Do you have a passion that you want to pursue? Looking to build up a resume? Maybe AccessBridgeport can help
Meet John C.
John is 11 years old and lives in Bridgeport. His passion is technology and he’s always dreamed of being a software engineer. Now, with AccessBridgeport, John earned over $1300 in scholarship and attended iD Tech in the summer of 2022 where he took a course in the computer programming language Python.
Meet Melwin and Angel Mary
This is 12-year old Melwin and 6-year old Angel Mary. They are the children of Rekha who works in multiple households as a domestic worker in the city of Bangalore, India. Rekha was widowed in 2021 following the death of her husband to alcohol related illness. However, even prior to his death, Rekha was the sole breadwinner for the family. Despite working in 4 households, Rekha does not make enough money to cover rent, food, and school fees for the children.
The COVID related lockdowns and the lack of money for school fees has meant that Melwin and Angel have not been to school for the last 2 years. In desperation, Rekha took out loans with exorbitant interest rates to send Melwin to St Aloysius school and Angel to Maria Niketan school. Melwin is in 6th grade and Angel is in 1st grade.
All this family wants is for the children to go to school and receive an education so that they do not end up on the streets as many others in their neighborhood. Rekha never got the chance to get any education and was married off early. She dreams of her children getting an education and living a productive and meaningful life with opportunities that she never had.
AccessBridgeport is proud to fund Melwin and Angel’s school fees which will allow them to return to school. Too often, we take for granted the educational opportunities we have in the United States. The story of Melwin and Angel helps us to better understand the value of education. Their firm resolve to get an education and succeed in spite of all their hardships is an inspiration to us. We hope that in the future, they can be connected to local school children in Bridgeport to share perspectives and experiences. This would enrich everybody.
How can I do this?
If you’re interested in this program, there are a few simple steps that will have you started in no time:
- What are your interests? – Target what it is you want to pursue. Is art your calling? Science? Math? History?
- Reach out to us! – Find the Contact Us page on our website and reach out to the provided email ( and provide us with your Name, School, Age, Grade and tell us a bit about yourself and your interests